Start a New Path Forward With Our Judgement-free Parenting Programs.

Yelling at Your Kids Feels Terrible

Parenting is tough. You and your kids deserve to break free from the cycle and be more connected.

Proud mother of 3, learning right alongside my beautiful family

Certified Transformational Parenting Coach from the Jai Institute for Parenting

Able to work with you virtually or in person

Here’s How It Works

Book a free call
Discuss your parenting vision and how we can help
Get Support
Meet with your couch as you work through parenting challenges
Feel Great About Your Parenting
Become a calmer more confident parent
Wish you could create a happy confident family but still find yourself yelling and discouraged?

Many parents wish they could create happy, thriving families, but instead find themselves yelling at their kids, stressed out, and feeling discouraged.

We understand wanting to raise your kids to be confident, resilient and happy adults. Yet, parenting doesn’t come with a manual so this can feel really daunting. When partnered with Zeta & Co, you get clarity on your family values and goals so that we can set expectations to foster the entire families success.

Client Reviews

“I have had so much self growth and so many “aha” moments in the last 6 weeks, I keep looking around and wondering why no one has seen a change in me. Truly, when I signed up for a parenting program, but what I got was a lesson in healing, forgiveness, connection, love and soul growth.

I am truly so so grateful and excited to see where the rest of the program takes me. Thank you Zeta”

“Not only have I been able to deeply connect and understand my children in ways I was unable to access just 6 short weeks ago, I’ve also been able to connect with myself, understand my own emotions, and how I’ve been conditioned through my own childhood experiences. I’ve shown myself so much empathy and compassion over the past 6 weeks resulting in me feeling so much more confident in my parenting and humanness in general”
“I’m currently wrapping up my 12 week coaching with Zeta and it’s bittersweet. It’s going to be sad not meeting with her every week to discuss our families weekly celebrations and challenges or to have her for in between session support. But as every week passes, our celebrations become more frequent and big and our challenges become harder and harder to even think of. “

Zeta & Co

Parent Coaching

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